Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Angelina Jolie: I Had Double Mastectomy

It’s not everyday that Hollywood wakes up to a news flash about a popular actress having mastectomy, and double at that! That’s just what Oscar-winning actress Angelina Jolie did. The actress disclosed the news in an op-ed column in the New York Times on Tuesday, May 14. The 37 year old actress revealed that she underwent a double mastectomy after learning that she had inherited a high risk of breast cancer. Jolie hoped her story would serve as an inspiration to many women across the globe who are in the same situation or who are fighting the life-threatening disease.

Jolie wrote in the NY Times column that part of the decision to have the surgery (mastectomy) is to reassure her six children that cancer will not take her away from them. Jolie’s own mother, Marcheline Bertrand battled ovarian cancer and died at age 56. Jolie managed to keep the findings within the family for months even as she continued with her usual duties and responsibilities.

Mastectomy is the surgical term used to refer to the surgical removal of one or both breasts, partially or completely. The surgery is a treatment option for breast cancer. In Jolie’s case, she had the operation prophylactically to prevent cancer rather than treat it. Jolie said that she had opted to have the surgery after her doctors estimated that she had an 87 percent risk of breast cancer and 50 percent risk of ovarian cancer, calling her genes “faulty”.

The actress had three months of exhausting medical procedures including breast reconstruction which all ended in late April. After her surgery, Jolie said her doctors told her that the chances of developing breast cancer are now just five percent.

Jolie hopes that other women out there will take a cue from her, to be proactive and minimize the risk as much as they could. If there is an opportunity to prevent the cancer, even if it meant double mastectomy, every woman should take it. Jolie said, “Once I knew my reality, I made a decision to have preventive double mastectomy.”

Celebrities, doctors and cancer survivors all expressed admiration for the actress’ openness which truly made her an inspiration for other women.

Sheryl Crow, who herself was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2006 commended Angelina Jolie “for her courage and thoughtfulness in sharing her story regarding her mastectomy. So brave!”, goes her tweet.

Singer Kylie Minogue is another cancer survivor expressed her thanks to Jolie for helping women. TV host Giuliana Rancic who also had surgery after being diagnosed with the disease tweeted, “Proud of her for using her incredible platform to educate women.”

Angelina Jolie started her treatment plan with the removal of her breasts as her risk of breast cancer is higher than the risk of ovarian cancer. She described a several-stage surgical process which took up to eight hours as the breast tissue is removed and temporary fillers were put in place. She said it was like waking up with drain tubes and expanders in your breasts. But days after the surgery, she was able to go back to a normal life. The final phase was breast reconstruction where implants were used to reconstruct the breasts. The advances in this procedure in the last years have led to beautiful results. She now had only small scars that her children can see without alarm.

Jolie was especially thankful to Brad Pitt, her fiancĂ©, for his support, for being with her through the three months of treatment. Pitt praised her for her bold move, saying her choice was “absolutely heroic.” He said all he wanted is for her to have a long and healthy life with him and their children.

Jolie wrote, "On a personal note, I do not feel any less of a woman. I feel empowered that I made a strong choice that in no way diminishes my femininity." And from her own experience, she hopes that authorities will help women in lower-income countries to get the heath care they need especially if diagnosed with breast cancer. Cancer, according to Jolie is “still a word that strikes fear into people’s hearts, producing a deep sense of powerlessness.” 

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

8 Ways to Keep Wrinkles at Bay

refreshing water hydration -- cosmetic surgery Philippines

A lot of people, women mostly are devastated when the first few wrinkles escaped the well-nourished and moisturized face and show up on your forehead indicating the start of more wrinkles to come. There are a few who are not bothered by them, but a great majority simply finds it non-appealing in any way. With a few and simple skin care tips, combined with healthy and balanced smart diet and good lifestyle choices, one can fight the ageing process in a natural and non-invasive way.

moisturizers and sunscreen -- dermatology Philippines
  1. Hydration. This is important for ageing people because with ageing, the skin loses its elasticity. And that can result to developing wrinkles and fine lines. Drinking eight glasses of water every day is the best way to counter wrinkles. With a good supply of water in your body, toxins are flushed out, digestion is improved, joints are lubricated and skin is hydrated. Drinking water is the cheapest skin care regimen available.
  2. Moisturize. Hydration is not enough. You will also need to quench your parched and thirsty skin with moisturizing oil or lotion. Body moisturizers should be of organic emollients such as shea butter and jojoba oil to smoothen and soothe the skin. Facial moisturizers should specifically address fine lines and wrinkles. When wearing makeup you should apply a light moisturizer to layer the under makeup for daytime and use a heavy duty moisturizing cream at night. For those with oily skin, they should use non-oil based moisturizer so that they don’t clog pores or add to the oil slick.  
  3. Wear a Sunscreen. Being sunsmart means wearing sunblock whenever you are outdoors and not just when you’re in the beach. Walking to your car in an open parking lot, watching soccer game, or having coffee at an outdoor cafĂ© – these can all contribute to over-exposure to the sun. Not only are the sun’s UVA and UVB rays damaging to the skin but they can cause wrinkles, too.
  4. beauty regimen -- skin clinic Philippines
  5. Store and eat your fruits and vegetables. The thing that keeps the skin elastic, smooth and firm is collagen, Ageing reduces the body’s capacity to produce collagen. This could result in fine lines, wrinkles and saggy skin. Collagen may be boosted by drinking soy milk, tucking in more Vitamin C-rich dark green vegetables like spinach, asparagus and broccoli, red fruits, tomatoes and beets. Omega fatty acids also help stimulate collagen production which can be provided by salmon, tuna, cashew nuts, avocados and almonds.
  6. Green Tea. Make this a substitute for your coffee habit. Sip soothing anti-oxidant rich green tea to protect the skin against free radicals to delay the ageing process.
  7. Detox. It’s time to get rid of all toxin-filled habits. Engage in blood-circulating exercise, quit smoking, practice clean living, and adopt a healthy lifestyle. Puffing cigarette can suck out all the collagen that keeps the wrinkles at bay. Similarly, excessive consumption of alcohol dehydrates the skin making it thin and causing wrinkles and the unappealing splotchy look.
  8. Beauty Sleep Regimen. Eight hours of sleep every night can regenerate skin. Lack of sleep translates to dry and lackluster skin and no moisturizer can ever repair the damage. When your skin regenerates, you’ll look remarkably glowing and radiant.
  9. Be Positive. People who worry a lot tend to develop deep creases across their forehead and between their brows cause by excessive frowning. Avoid scrunching up your forehead and channel optimism and feel your muscles on the face to relax instantly as you de-frown your face.

If you are looking for other options, dermatologists are the best person to get advice from. There are great dermatologists in the Philippines who does the job well without asking for so much. You can consider this dermatologist who has a gift in making skin look healthy and young.