Monday, June 24, 2013

Truth About "The Tooth Fairy"

The story about the tooth fairy has been passed on from generation to generation and without fail has continued to earn the awe and wonderment of every child. The tooth fairy is one of those fantasy figures of early childhood which parents introduce to their children when they begin losing their baby teeth. The folklore as it goes states that when a child’s tooth falls out, the child should place the tooth beneath the pillow so that the tooth fairy will visit to take it and replace it with a small payment.  
History has it that practices or traditions emulating the folklore were observed in different parts of the world. In early Europe, for instance, it was a tradition to bury baby teeth that fell out. And when the child’s sixth tooth falls out, parents should slip a gift or money under the pillow, from the tooth fairy leaving the tooth as a reward. Some parents also leave glitter specks on the fall to make it look like fairy dust.
In Northern Europe, a tradition was born out of the concept of tooth fairy. Tann-fe or tooth fee is paid when a child loses his first tooth. This tradition is found in recorded writings in Eddas, the earliest written record of Norse and Northern European traditions.
There are two ways to view people’s belief in the tooth fairy. One is to view it as seeing the part of the trusting nature of children in general, when they are told about the tooth fairy, like they did when told about Santa Claus or Easter Bunny. On the other hand, it can be viewed as the parents being too trusting and ready to believe anything. Among the children who later on discovered the truth about the tooth fairy, only a small percentage expressed not being in favor of continuing the practice when they become parents. A great majority still likes the custom and will likely continue the tradition with their own children.

The tooth fairy tradition or practice is the parents’ way of comforting their children when they lose their teeth. Somehow, children’s pain is replaced by amazement and anticipation to see what the tooth fairy will replace the lost tooth with. It is also the parents’ way of assuring themselves that their children have not grown up yet because they still believe in fantasy figures like the tooth fairy.
In today’s modern times, parents are becoming more creative and innovative in practicing the tradition. Some parents write notes to their children when they take the lost tooth from under the pillow. And some children would respond to such notes in all their innocence and asking questions to the tooth fairy as if they were indeed real. The funny exchange of notes between the child and the tooth fairy can be amusing for the parents but the child honestly believes everything about it.
Most of the children of today’s generation are smarter than parents imagine them to be. At age 4 to 7 years, they are likely to ask if the tooth fairy, or Santa or the Easter Bunny is real. At this time, they are interacting with other children and would probably hear a different story about these figures. Psychologists recommend that parents should tell the truth when the child asks them and explain the story to them the simplest way. The child might react differently if they hear from other kids that the tooth fairy is not real.

Monday, June 17, 2013

10 Unhealthy Foods You Think Are Healthy

Some foods can really look delectable and at the same time healthy, thanks to the inventive and creative names attached to new recipes. Unfortunately, not all healthy-sounding diet or cuisine are actually healthy. They are, surprisingly unhealthy. And to complete the irony is that some packaged foods are in fact healthier than the junk foods they try to replicate. So that leaves you the question of what really is healthy and unhealthy food. Below are 10 foods usually thought of as healthy, but are not.

Fruit juice. 

The most common wrong notion about fruit juice being so healthy that a lot of times people substitute it for whole fruit in their diet. While it’s true that fruit juice is rich in a lot of vitamins but at the expense of losing pulp which provides the essential fiber which can actually serve as a good counterbalance to all the natural sugar contained in the fruit. In addition, fruit juice is pumped up with extra sugar making it less healthy than what most people think.

Vegetable fat and oils. 

Fat becomes healthier if it is more in the liquid form, thus making people consider vegetable oils as similarly healthy. Unfortunately, since vegetable oils are oils extracted from seeds such as corn, safflower, sunflower, rapeseed (canola oil) or soybean, the extraction process required by these seeds is not simply done by pressing or separating naturally. They must be chemically removed, deodorized and altered. In fact, these are some of the most chemically altered foods in your diet, but they get advertised and labeled as healthy. In fast food restaurants, they use palm oil, which is purely saturated or unhealthy oil, in frying fries, chicken and other foods, thus making these foods unhealthier.


While most varieties of nuts are healthy as they are packed with mineral, vitamins, fiber and lots of extra healthy goodies for your body, peanut may not be as healthy as the other nuts since peanuts are usually sold salty, roasted and coated in unhealthy fats. Peanut also contain a lot of unsaturated fatty acids known as omega-6 fatty acids, which when consumed too much can increase the risk for diabetes, and Alzheimer’s disease. The ratio of omega 6 to omega 3 in most diets ranges from 1:20 and 1:50 when the ideal and proper ratio should be 1:1. Consumption of peanuts should therefore be limited.


The typical pasta used for spaghetti, noodles or macaroni is plain flour mixed with water and egg. They have no healthy nutritional values such as vitamins, minerals, or fiber. They are just carbs, plain and simple. And worse if you get your fast food pasta that is loaded with salt and unhealthy fat.

Soy sauce. 

Soy sauce doesn’t have antioxidants known as isoflavones but they have a high level of antioxidants which cause people to think that it is healthy. Possibly yes, if not for its high salt content. There are also studies that showed that chemicals known to increase the risk of certain types of cancers are often found in soy sauce. This might have prompted manufacturers into producing low-sodium soy sauce, minus the dangerous chemicals. Only, it’s not as tasty as the real deal.

White bread. 

This type of bread is pasta in bread form. They have the same zero nutritional value as the pasta.

Soup mix. 

There’s no reason why people should think that soup mix is healthy. When you eat this kind of soup, it’s just water, butter, milk, tasty salt and preservatives. How can that be nutritious? Most soup mix uses salt in high level and many people overlook or ignores it as a risk-factor in food – it can contribute to heart disease or high blood pressure.


Yes, ketchup does contain the antioxidant lycopene which help reduce risks of mutations in the body as well as the risk of developing diseases like cancer. Ketchup contains loads of sugar and also a lot of salt. The lycopene levels are much lower (because ketchup is processed and non-organic) than what one can get from tomatoes.

Processed cheese. 

Cheese isn’t a healthy food choice but processed cheese has more bad stuff in it.

Diet Soda. 

Whether it’s diet or not, soda is not healthy. Some are of the opinion that a diet coke is worse than the sugar-stuffed versions. And controversial as it is, health buffs may not be pleased knowing the fact that there hasn’t been too many scientific studies that prove the health effects of diet soda. Some studies have shown that diet soda can contribute to considerable weight gain. There’s also this theory that diet soda actually stimulated the appetite, urging people to “eat” more than the calories you saved by drinking a diet soda instead of a sugary version. Most of the studies made on diet soda indicated that there are more harm than good in drinking them.

Don’t be fooled by catchy labels when it comes to your health and nutritional intake. Foods that did not undergo any process is still the best source of minerals and microminerals our body needs. Else, reading the labels won’t harm you so do it a habit to read food labels before buying that healthy-labeled food. Also, doing some research won’t hurt but instead would make you a wise buyer in choosing your food.

7 Surprising Things Your Teeth Say About Your Health

A routine dental check-up may reveal important clues about your health. Or observing unusual sensation, appearance, or feel of your teeth may be telling you something concerning your health. Only, you didn’t know.

While they may seem small and negligible problems or observations, the truth is they may be your mouth’s cry for help. It can be anything from yellow stains to sore gums. Some of the most common dental complaints may mean another thing in terms of your health. Check out below to see if you have them.

  1. Red, swollen and bleeding gums. There could be a number of reasons for this – an irritating pregnancy or hormonal changes side effect; a bacterial buildup; or a sign of periodontal disease. If the symptoms manifest for a day or two and made to disappear by diligent brushing and flossing, it’s not a reason to be concerned. However, if they last for more than a week, it’s time to check for periodontal disease.
  2. Sharp tooth pain. If you experience this when biting down, it could be tooth decay or cavities. If the pain is recurring for a week or more, it should mean a visit to the dentist.
  3. Mouth sores. Most of the time, painful mouth sores are caused by too much eating of citrus, scalding hot foods or spicy food. Non-problematic mouth sores should disappear after two or three days. But a lingering mouth sore could indicate a serious deficiency in Vitamin A. Instead of citrus, eat more sweet potatoes, carrots and spinach which are all Vitamin A sources. If the mouth sores don’t improve, your dentist should be consulted.
  4. Toothache. A throbbing pain that lasts for more than a week may indicate that you’re clenching or grinding your teeth. A night guard may be necessary for comfort. If the pain is persistent and the gums or glands swell, it could be an abscessed tooth – a tooth with root infection. A visit to the dentist is necessary.
  5. Yellow or stained teeth. Yellow stains may be caused by the food you eat and drinks you take – coffee, wine, tea. Dentists recommend that you brush your teeth after consuming those drinks to prevent staining. However, brown or stripy stains are most likely caused by tetracycline antibiotics administered to you as a child, or from other medications. It does not necessarily mean that the teeth are damaged. Cosmetic procedures can help remove the stains.
  6. Loose or suddenly crooked teeth. Teeth that feel loose, crooked or falling out altogether means you have periodontal disease. This is caused by bacteria which accumulate as a result of poor dental hygiene (not brushing twice a day). A dentist should be consulted immediately to remove the plaque that turned into tartar.
  7. Gum pain. If your gums or sides of your teeth hurt when you breathe in cold air or drink hot or cold liquids, cavity may be the culprit. Or the gums could have drawn back exposing the roots of your teeth. This can result from clenching or grinding your teeth, bacteria or brushing too hard with toothbrush of hard bristles. If the pain is accompanied by red or white spots, it’s nothing more than harmless irritations caused by certain food or drugs. In some cases though, it could be signs of oral cancer. If the spots do not disappear for more than a week a dentist check up is necessary.  

Normally, there shouldn’t be any teeth or gums pain or discomfort that would exist for more than 3 days. If pain or discomfort exists for more than 3 days, then seeing your dentist is the best option. Basic dental procedures and check up must be done to find out the cause of pain or discomfort.

Monday, June 3, 2013

12 Foods that Won't Make You Bloat

Anti bloat foods -- Skin Clinic Philippines

It’s normal to have a certain level of gas in the intestines but excess amounts can lead to bloating. This would make your stomach feel larger than normal causing discomfort. Bloating can be attributed to the foods you eat, certain eating behaviors and even hormone levels. One way to beat the bloat is to choose foods that will help keep your digestive system running efficiently.

Foods that won't make you bloat -- Dermatology Philippines
  1. Avocado. This creamy wonder fruit helps ease bloating discomfort. Avocados are high in potassium and potassium releases water. Avocados have more potassium than bananas.
  2. Cucumbers. They help fight bloating since they are loaded with water. According to nutrition expert Joy Bauer, RD, the more water you take in without fiber, the more you pee. And the more you pee the flatter the tummy feels.
  3. String Cheese. Dairy products will not make you bloat except if you are lactose intolerant. A stick of cooled string cheese will help keep that tummy flat.
  4. Asparagus. Water retention is one of the reasons people bloat. Asparagus can help reduce that because it is a diuretic. Adding a few stalks of this natural diuretic to your soup or meal will help flush out the excess liquid out of the body.
  5. Zucchini. Grilled zucchinis will fill you up less the calories. This will prevent you from loading up on bloat-causing foods like chips and potato salad.  
  6. Drinks that won't make you bloat -- cosmetic surgery Philippines
  7. Bananas. Eating banana in the morning after eating salty the night before help offset sodium and prevent you from puffing out. Thanks to its potassium content.  
  8. Egg Whites. An egg-white omelette is packed with protein and acts like a pee-inducing diuretic to prevent you from bloating.
  9. Almonds. These nuts are packed with healthy fats that reduce craving for food. They are the ultimate power – and non-bloating snack. Eat a handful of 23 almond nuts - the unsalted ones.
  10. Red Grapes. These fruits are a great way to reduce gas and bloating. Freeze the grapes and munch them to keep your tummy flat all day.
  11. Greek Yogurt. A great way to add more fruit and nutrients to your diet is by having yogurt. Greek yogurt helps aid in digestion and it’s full of protein. Choose one that has less than 20 grams of sugar.
  12. Iced Coffee or Iced Tea. Carbonated drinks should be avoided because it will make you excessively gassy. A good alternative is iced coffee or iced tea. But sugar must be limited to just one packet.
  13. Watermelon. This is a water-containing fruit and like the cucumber fights bloat. It’s also less than 100 calories per large wedge and isn’t loaded with sugar. The added water stimulate the kidneys to release the excess water in the body.  

Having flat tummy is not enough, it is also important that you have glowing skin; a sign that the nutrients of the food you intake are greatly absorbed resulting to healthy, glowing skin. Here are more tips that would make your skin glow.